Saturday 23 September 2017

What do you plan with rescue animal?

 Animal is a cutest creature ever in this world. Some animals have a variety of colours on their body, some are so big and there where a small and tiny animals too. Although they are amazing and attractive, they facing extinction due to the atrocities of some human beings. As a noble soul, many ways we can do to save animals. We can create awareness campaigns to enlighten the people that it is important to maintain the sustainability. It is important to stop damaging the habitat of animals that can cause extinction to them.

 More I would like to be a volunteer at my local animal shelter. Animal shelters are always in need of more help. Whether we are helping by walking dogs or cats, cleaning out water bowls, or hanging up signs, I bet that they have a duty for us to do. Make a contact to our local animal shelter and ask whether in the lives of homeless dogs, cats and other animals.

 If we cannot change others, change ourselves to be better. Start with us and others will join and follow us to do good deed like saving an animals that in danger. Every life deserves the best for their life.

ID        : PTM170705813

What is your best subject?

 Learning and studying is a part of student life. I believed that every student have their best subject. My best subject is Mathematic for Multimedia. In a world cultured with narcissistic opinion, number always hold dear to their cause. We are taught to count numbers at a very young age. As we develop we are taught to add, subtract, multiply then divide it. The future we age, the more complicated we will explore about mathematics as we are taught to analyze imaginary numbers, followed by equations it and draw a graph for the sacred number.

 There is something about it that excites me. There will be along night with full of homework that challenging for me. Yet, I am feel relax and happy to solve it. Myself is a real rival for me, it is my fault if I cant solve a problem. Mathematics teach me how to careful, mind wisely, and I need to focus all time. Wrong formula analysis is enough to make my answer wrong and disappointed me. I solved many number's problem day by day, makes me stronger in my abilities.

 I love math more with ever sum, difference, product and quotient, all ultimately adding up to be a sum of simple and concise meaning.

ID        : PTM170705813

Tuesday 19 September 2017

How To Travel On A Budget

 I am pretty sure that everyone have their dreams to travel at leas once in their life. It is possible to see the world without breaking our bank especially with the economy situation right now. That is why we must plan our trips. Accommodation is probably the biggest expense when we travel. It has been a common practice to book and stay in a fancy hotel when you travel, because it somehow completes the feeling of being on vocation. To save our budget, try to survey a home stay or best hotels deals. Usually, home stay have package for stay there so it is good for us to saving our budget.

 Next, try to search and joy a holiday trip package for a better experience and t save more budget. Joining some agency will be better because normally they will arrange your activity for your holiday. Example if you travel to Perak, Malaysia  and you take a package. You will be provided with accommodation, transport and they will take you around Perak's attractive place like Lost World Of Tambun and Kellie's Castle.

 There are money-saving alternatives that can be nearly as convenient as the airport rental. For example, if you are on business trip, many times you can rent a car at your downtown hotel. You will save money by taking delivery off the airport grounds.

ID        : PTM170705813

Do You Like Horror Movie?

 People watch movies in order to feel something and experience some emotions. I like many genre of the movie, but the one that I do not like is horror movies. It is because horror movies just full with shocking and scaring scene. Some people watch horror movie because they want to experience something challenging and uncommon. For me, we can do extreme activities to experience it. Thus, i believe that shocking scene can risk us to having a heart attack.

 More, average of horror movies have a boring script with a same annoying plot. They will be a group of teenagers goes to camping in a strange location that does not have connection with civilization. Then they meet the main antagonist who killed all characters one by one in the most creative and unbelievable ways. At long last, the surviving main character manage to escape or killed the antagonist. Most of horror movies is full with boring predictable conclusion and it is so low quality movie.

 By the way, horror is still a popular genre with a dozens new movies appear on the screen every year. Nevertheless, many fans claim that the quality reduces gradually. That is why i do not like horror movies.

ID        : PTM170705813

Technology That Empowers Me

 Technology is the best think that ever created by mankind. Technology has introduced us the Internet which is bring many benefit to our daily life. We can access a lot of information over the internet that can help us especially to student for their assignments. All the answer for their question can be gain from the internet too. We can communicate with someone who are from us with a internet connection.

 Smartphones is one of the devices that connect to internet. Of course it is one of the amazing technology that ever created. We can access to many thing with smartphones depending on the phone's spec. It makes our life easier for having it because we can check our email, social media or even for banking business. We also can relieve stress by laying video games in smartphones too. Besides, we can capturing some photos and save it in phone's memory for future use.

 Internet and smartphones does empower me as a technology, without it I am pretty sure that my life would not be perfect. I hope that technology will developing in time.

ID        : PTM170705813

Monday 18 September 2017

Do You Like Horror Movie

 I am a fan of horror movies.I think they are entertaining and fun to watch .When i tell people about my opinion about these types of films they either agree with me or look at me like i am insane.To all those people who do think i am crazy for liking horror movies i am going to explain why i am not.

 One of the reason is because of the adrenalin that they give you.When i am watching one and the music is getting intense and my palms are clammy, i love that feeling.Another reason is the actual scares themselves.During the movies i find it fun when something pops out on the screen and i cannot help but jump up in air.

 I also love them because they release the fear seeking nerves inside.inside everyone there is a natural instinct to respond to fear.Sweaty palms and a feeling that something bad might happen are warnings of fear.

 When people tell me that i am crazy for watching scary movies, i ask them what they like to watch.People usually tell me drama or comedies which is the same as liking horror movies.The time they laugh or cry is the same as the times i scream.

 It is all the same after no matter what genre the mlovies you watch. I also say that it is in human nature to respond to fear and it is an important respoonse to maintain. To all the people who think i am crazy that is why i am not.

ID NI:PTM170705751

How To Travel On A Budget

 Often find yourself scrolling through your social feed,daydreaming about faraway lands,inspiring photography and life changing adventure? Then you up and check your bank balance was not enough.To travel on budget is donating thing to many people ,and unfortunately can detersome would- be wanderers from experiencing this incredible planet.Here are some travel hacks when you're broke.

 This are is pretty obvious but it cannot be overstated just how much more wallet friendly budget accommodation options like hostels are compared with hostels,resorts and rental homes.Not only are you getting lower prices but you're getting the authentic backpacker atmosphere,and memories to last a lifetime.

 So many hostels around the world offer free classes for guests.With a little research it's pretty easy to find out which hostels offer the best free  classes for backpackers.

 It may seem obvious,but so many hostels offer free food.Yeah of course breakfast is often a given,but there are hostels all over the world that provide baked goods,BBQ,pizza nights and loads more.

 There's a lot more way to travel on a budget you must always ask others opinion to know how to travel on a budget.

ID NO:PTM170705751

How to travel on a budget (Best Hotel deals, Car Rental, Trip advice)

Travel on budget is package. Because, now have a more a travel package on your own budget to go to anywhere. You can have a best hotel, car rental, and Trip advice. You can save your money when you go to the package. Your budget maybe RM600 and you can have the best hotel, car rental, and trip advice with 3days 2 night. In travel package have a package family and you can go to overseas with budget. If your budget more than RM600, maybe you can stay at overseas 1 week you can enjoy your holiday with your family can have the best hotel, car rental, and trip advice, Have more family or people go to travel 1 package with your budget.

Your travel with package you safety have save because the owner package standby the safety. I hope you can enjoy your travel with your love family and have the best hotel, car rental, and trip advice. Because if you go with budget more than RM600 your holiday can enjoy and can go to anywhere you want to go. I hope your enjoy the family trip and enjoy with your package.

ID CARD: PTM170705754

Body Weight Training

 When you walk into the gym and every single bench and machine is taken by a bigger and stronger guy.You could just turn around,walk out of the gym and say you'll come back later.Instead of waiting an eternity for the bench to free up,find a spare corner of the gym and do some body weight moves instead.

 This one is a timeless classic.The push up is essential for bullying a big chest canon ball delt and triceps.Master this move and it will yield the same benefits as bench press.Another classic move is the pull up hits every muscle in the body and its underrated in terms of arm and abs development.

 Plenty of fitness experts think holding a plank for a inute-plus is a very impressive measure of fitness.The plan requires excellent shoulder stability and top notch muscle endurance of the abs,lower bac,neck and legs.

 This push up variation specifically targets yor triceps make your arms look that much bigger .Add this move to your arm workout and watch your progress soar.

 Body weight training is very important we should get familiar with all the essential movements.It will help us a lot.Its also can save our money because we don't nees to go to the gym to go exercise because these kind of exercise we can do it at home.

NO ID:PTM170705751

How should school address bullying?

Now, bullying cases at school is getting better because the social normal with regard to bullying. It must become 'uncool' to bully, 'cool' to helo out students to notice when a child is bullied, and normative for staff and students to notice when a child is bulled or left out . This requires the effort of everyone in the scholl, environment-teachers, administrators , counselor, other non-teaching staff ( such as bus drivers , nurses, school resources officers, custodian, cafeteria, workers, and school librarian) parents and student.

Bullying prevention not be the sole responsibility of an administrators, counselor, teacher-or, any single individual at school. To be must effective , bullying prevention efforts require buy-in from the majority of the staff and form parents.

I hope bullying in school can stop because in new generation don't nave bullying  in school to save the student to bully the people. So, school name and family name will not be bad to people to and country.

ID CARD: PTM170705754

Technology that empowers me.

Technology that empowers me because must go to a library to check out a book to read. No one else check out that copy and write in paper. But now, technology have a tool of spread knowledge and information. It drastically lowers the barrier for people to create works, modify, publish and distribute creative works. Technolgy now can avaiable to everyone. That can copy industries traditional music and movies . There much potential for technology to liberate people and make society a better place. The war over whether digital technology will empowers or repress is ongoing but one thing is certain.

Technology now can another is all of those copyright assigments that people have assigment that people have assigned to them over the years. They included GPL-like language in them to blind FSF. The final level is the public . Even if everything else were to somewho fail the ability to upgrade is specificially warded as " at your option" so well be able to review things and decide to upgrade for ourselves.

I hope technology can be explore to all people. Please don't undermine community defenses by not allowing upgrades to our collectives shields. Let's use technology to empower people, not cripple them and let it be used to repress them.

ID CARD: PTM170705754

How To Address Bullying

 Assess school prevention and intervention efforts around student behaviour,incuding substance use violance.You may be able to build upon them or intergrate bullying prevention strategies.Many programs help address the same protective and risk factors that bullying programs do.

 Conduct assessments in your school to determine how often bullying occurs,where it happens,how students and adults intervene,and whether your prevention efforts are working.

  Create a mission statement,code of conduct,school-wide rules,and a bullying reporting system.these establish a climate in which bullying is not acceptable.Disseminate and communicate widely.

 It Is important for everyone in the community to work together to send a unified message against bullying.Launch an awareness campaign to make the objectives known to the school,parents,and community members.Establish a school safety committee or task force to plan,implement,and evaluate your school's bullying prevention program.

 Build bullying prevention material into the curriculumand school activities.Train teachers and staff on the school's rules and policies.Give them the skills to intervene consistently and appropriately.

 School should be a place that student love to go.If bullying keep happening this will make them hate to go to school.We should start act right now.

NO ID:PTM170705751

What is your subject?

What iis your subject, My best subject is Mathematics because Mathematic can test my mind. Mathematic can improve my skill and try my best to score A . With the skill in Mathematic . I can solve the problem. Mathematic must be repeated many times to remembers how to answer them. Mathematic is easy to remember if I delegently review and take a time to remember and don't give up when I forgot. Mathematic is easy when I consider it easy . Every day I try to do Mathematic because I want remember skill how to get answer .

If I want  to be wise in Mathematic. We should be diligent to review. Most people who have their experiences always review and repeat the same questions to understand the questions. Questions in Mathematic it should be because if you understand you can do and try to get the answer. Mathematic is the study of topic such an quantity , structure , space and change. There is range of views among Mathematic and philosophers as to the exact scopr and definition of Mathematic. I hope we can do the best in Mathematic subject and try to understand the questions. Don't try to give up because Mathematic have more work path to solve it. I  hope all people can love Mathematic subject and try to score A. Try to understand the questions and get the answer.

ID CARD: PTM170705754

Body Weight Training

Body weight training can improve movement your body slim and steady. Many people don't realize the benefits of bodyweight training because in the gym hitting weights. But, with all training, there is a regression and progression to every exercise . For examples a regression for hanging leg lifts is perfoming a plank. The progression would be perfoming the movement with a medicine ball between your feet. Another example would be a bench press. Many people can't do a convetional bench press because of existing shoulder issues, their from is bad or they just don't have access to the equipment.

If you are interest in learned more about strenght training, including because most of clients land (and advanced athletes) have HORRIBLE form and technique when they first come in., this is totally normal, and quite frankly, all too common. Ones of the best types of tests that I like to put my clients through challenge their general bodyweight conditioning and strenght level is the Bodyweight Gauntlet.

I hope body weight training well going to have to work at it. Thankfully, you can save time and money by ditching the gym. Workout at home instead. Its your guide to a better body, in less time, without any equipment.

ID CARD: PTM170705754

Technology that Empowers me

 When you hear the word technology.What was the fist  thing tahat comes out in your mind?For me,i would say the very basic examples of technology that makes my lifee easier and more entertaining such as cell phone,computer,television or etc.But do you know what's a technology significant in your life?And how it empowers on your daily basis.

 But first let us learn what is technology.A what i have said it made you think about your gadgets or making your life easier but according to Merriam-Webster "Application of knowledge to the practical aims of humans life or to changing and manipulating the human environment.Technology includes the use of materials,tools,techniques,sources of power to make life easier or more pleasant and work more productive.

 The technology taught me a lot of things.working as virtual assistant is very important.Everything you need can search in google.There is no more time for me to research in a library or do it on my own.Everything i need is just 1 click away with the help of technology.

 Since i love taking pictures,a camera is also 1 of the technology that empowers me alot.The best thing about it is that helps us capture memories.There are many things that i can list that techology empower me,but i thought about the most important for me is my cell phoe.I can reach the world with just browsing my smartphone.Any information can be shared to anyone across the globe.

NO ID:PTM170705751

Body weight Training

Bodyweight training is all about the basics and the truth is, no matter how advance you are, your body will always back on its base level of strength. Your overal bodyweight strength will always serves as the foundation and bridge to your other strengthlis. When it comes to the basics of bodyweight training, you should be familiar with all of the essential movements squats,lunges,push ups,pull ups,rows and plank variation. You should also have the ability to climb,crawl,sprint and jump. These are primal movements.

Obviously there a hundreds, if not thousand of different variation for each of the basics bodyweight training movements out there, but no matter what,all of them come back to being able to perform the basics. Bodyweight training serves as your foundation and is the driver of all of your other strengths and skills,strength tools such as kettlebells,dumbells,barbells,and sandbags are useless without having the proper bodyweight strength conditioning foundation.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when young athletes or new clients came into my gym and they get frustrated when i dont quickly put them under a heavy barbell to see how much weight they can lift. Most of my clients and even advance athletes have HORRIBLE form and technique when they first come in. This is totally normal, and quite frankly and to make my clients prove to me and themself that they are strong enough to handle their own bodyweight correctly and efficiently before using other strength tools extensively ]. And thats all of my advice about the bodyweight training

NO ID: PTM170705744

Entreprenuel education for young adults

There is a vague but prevalent idea that entrepreneurship and a college education are mutually exclusive concepts. Entrepreneurship is, after all, nearly synonymous with innovation, while a college education is closely associated with established structure. However, these two concepts are not at loggerheads at all.
The entrepreneurial spirit has nothing to do with whether or not you got good grades in school. This is more of a mindset that transcends the rules and regulations of a standard education. On the other hand, structured education provides the focus and discipline to direct the entrepreneurial spirit into productive channels. In a very real sense, an entrepreneurial education for young children and adults is the channel through which a potentially powerful force can be controlled.
There are those who argue that a college education is expensive, and once attained provides no guarantee of success. One could counter argue that the same applies to entrepreneurship. Just because you have a good idea or have exceptional skills does not mean that you will be successful in your business.
Institutions of higher education have been among the first to attempt to marry the two through courses in entrepreneurship. However, according to this article, most of them are getting it wrong. Their most common mistake is to put too much emphasis on the anecdotal approach, where successful entrepreneurs come in and talk about how they achieved their success. It is inspirational, no doubt, but it is usually not a practical approach. Those who finish the course with many brilliant ideas often have no idea how to get their own businesses started.
Another mistake is to concentrate too much on one school of thought, such as the lean start-up model, which encourages entrepreneurs to focus mainly on what the customers want in developing a service or product. While this and all other new approaches to business development are all excellent in their own way, focusing on just one in the teaching process can be counterproductive.
Entrepreneurial education for both young children and adults should be open at all times. After all, the most successful entrepreneurs had the ability to think outside the box. However, while it should nurture the spirit of innovation, it should also give students the tools to manage it. This includes practical, hands-on courses on such topics as psychology, finance, marketing, production, and human resources.
A born entrepreneur may have been born with the tools help them become successful, but this is not true for everyone. There are many examples of gifted innovators that missed the boat on financial and business success because they did not know how to manage the business side of the business.
A good entrepreneurial education will not only benefit those who want to go into business for themselves. Young children who are encouraged to be free thinkers can achieve much more than their more restricted peers. Adults exposed to successful people may also discover their potential for a more fulfilling career and life. A successful entrepreneurial education is not about school; it is about life.

NO ID: PTM170705744

Technology that Empowers me

Technology is the best thing that ever happened to mankind, this was the first thing that came to my mind when I was holding this awesome Canon 20x wide angle optical image power shot camera owned by a friend in my hands. I was so mesmerized with its quality and clarity that I thought why not write a blog on this, so here I am writing about it. Nowadays, technology is a great way to escape from reality and a way to be role models of some sort. It brings you power and encouragements in the society of technology that make things work great and are possible for many things you may think it would be impossible to achieve.

The things that empower me more than my Nokia3310 is Sony Play Station player, and External hard drives. Sony Playstation player is simply a gift for all the gamer who love video games and want more and more new action each day. Its also give me a relaxation when i play a video games and amke me happier everyday. Next, External hard drives,"life would not be without a place to store a data", that was my words of wisdom. Why i say that is because if we dont have a store we will not get any important information like saving a pictures, works and documants.

Lastly, There are many things that i can list that technology empower me, but i though about the most important for me is my cell phone. I can reach the world with just browsing my smartphone. Any information can be shared to anyone across the world.

NO ID: PTM170705744

Is Modern culture Ruining childhood

Anyone with children, or who is regularly in contact with children, will know that childhood is radically different to the one they remember. The prevalence of technology and especially social media has changed what it means to be a child almost beyond recognition. With such dramatic changes, is it possible that modern culture is ruining what childhood is?
The biggest problem reported by carers of children is that they engage less in imaginative play. Modern technology means that their attention is being demanded by more and more things, so they don’t have the time or inclination to play. If they have more and more video games or ways to access TV, why would they have to make up their own games?
There’s also the issue of what children can access online. Before the advent of the internet, carers could control what information a child had access to. Now, though, a child can find almost anything online. This can be a real danger if they come across material that’s too mature or graphic for them.
The largest problem children face in modern culture is that of ‘helicopter parenting’. The trend of taking control of every aspect of a child’s life comes from a place of love, as parents of course want their children to be safe and happy. However, as children aren’t able to go out and have their own experiences, they’re staying inside and instead experiencing the world through a screen.
However, it isn’t all doom and gloom. Children may have access to things their parents could never have dreamed of, thanks to the internet. The learning opportunities are almost endless, and they can connect with other children and educational experts from all around the globe.
If parents are concerned with what their children are seeing online, it is possible for them to control what gets to them. Parental controls are easily set up on most internet enabled devices, and encouraging your child to be open and honest with what they’re seeing online can go a long way.
Play is different nowadays, but it doesn’t mean it’s gone. Just like adults did when they were children, children still enjoy playing as their favourite characters in the school yard. There’s still plenty of imagination for them to tap into. The difference is that modern children have a wider pool of experiences to draw from when they play their own games.

So, is modern culture ruining childhood? Not necessarily. It’s true that there are a lot more dangers out there for modern children, but there’s a lot more opportunity, too. If a child is equipped with the right tools for negotiating the dangers of modern life, then they can have a happy, fulfilling childhood.

NO ID: PTM170705744

Sunday 17 September 2017

Do you like Horror movie

One of the great things about childhood is how easy it is to access the distinct delight of being scared out of your mind. Adults just have more trouble getting goosebumps. That’s because experience is the enemy of true terror. You may shriek the first time you see “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” but the second or third time you might only shudder. That’s why dedicated horror fans sometimes have a hard time finding a really nerve-rattling movie. They’ve already seen it all.
Those who make horror movies may face the greatest challenge. They know what goes into the engineering of a scary sequence, and they have a good idea what’s coming around that corner. And since they presumably went into this line of work in part because of the pleasures of trembling in the dark, they have seen more than their share of horror movies.

It is interesthing to understand how curious our mind works. During our whole live we afraid pain and suffering as a instinct,but when we get the chance to watch suck,horrifying movies we do it with pleasure. For a moment, these make us feel in a terrible experience without really loving it, transporthing us to the world of the unknown during one or two hours and making us face our fears in a simulated but realistic way. This certainly shows how mmosoquistic humanity is, but if you think about it for a while you could realize this is cowardy in a way as well. Instead of trying to face our fears and investigate in real life we watch these movies that make us feel as the main and brave characters of the story.

NO ID: PTM170705744